Love Delhi Gin, 70 cl

Love Delhi Gin, 70 cl

Brandlove delhi
In case you hadn't guessed from the name, here we have a gin inspired by the spices and flavours of India! Love Delhi Gin is actually produced in the UK, blending together the founders' own British and Indian origins. Mango is at the core of this tipple along with pomegranate, and it was specifically designed to complement Indian cuisine! Formerly known as Mumbai Gin, meet the brand new Love Delhi Gin. India’s greatest gift to the world is its native mango. Also known as the king of fruits, Love Delhi gin is brimming with this tropical flavour and a burst of pomegranate. Mumbai Gin reflects the essence of Indian cultures and flavours, tapping into a global and homegrown gin craft. Going beyond typical juniper flavours, Mango and Pomegranate become the perfect partners and are given depth from the spicy undertone. These Asian fruit flavours are the perfect canvas for cocktails or shine through with your favourite tonic or lemonade. Journey to Mumbai with every sip. Juniper flavours, Mango and Pomegranate